A Letter to Our Readers

Dear Readers,

Last month, readers, partners, writers and staff of the Krakow Post celebrated two more years of covering the most important news and cultural events of our beloved city (see pages 8-9 of this month’s issue for photos from the event). We want to thank you for reading the Post and participating.

In the past two years, we have presented hundreds of stories on various topics related to Poland and Polish society. As editor, I have sought out the most interesting, well-written and researched articles about Krakow and Poland that would appeal to expatriates, tourists, and English-speaking (and learning) Poles alike. For the past two years, all of this has been brought to our readers every month completely free of charge. Since the beginning of 2010, we have worked hard to improve the quality of your reading experience, including a new focus on design, a better mix of stories and switching to a higher-quality paper.

In addition, we have created an improved KrakowPost.com, a website that continues to grow in readership every month. But while we’re proud of the success of KrakowPost.com, we know from listening to our readers that there is a strong demand for the printed newspaper as well, particularly for overseas subscriptions.

We believe that we have created a newspaper that appeals to you and Krakow’s unique community every month. We know you enjoy reading it, because you tell us often. What’s more, many of our partners report frequently being asked for a copy of the Krakow Post. We think the Krakow Post is a valuable community resource, and we hope you, our readers and supporters, agree.

We are asking you to join with us in continuing to support the Krakow Post into the future. Starting with the July 2010 issue, the Krakow Post newspaper will now carry the price tag of five złoty, and will be for sale at selected outlets around the city. For less than a latte, you will get a month’s worth of stories and information, such as local and national politics, interviews with important figures, local sports, current events, original columns about life in Krakow and cultural news and events.

When you visit our advertisers and partners you may also find a copy for free at their locations. In addition, we expect that most cafes, pubs, restaurants and coffee shops where you currently find the Post will choose to offer complimentary copies to read in-house. If you would like your own personal copy sent to you, we will begin offering subscriptions by post beginning with the August edition. To find locations or get subscription information, please see our distribution page or call us at +48 (12) 429 16 99.

Access to KrakowPost.com will remain free of charge. However, we see an added value in the printed Krakow Post, and we put a lot of work into it every month to make sure our readers see this value as well, and many can’t wait to hold the next issue in their hands. With your support, we look forward to bringing you an even bigger and better newspaper each month, and we hope you will continue to read and participate in your community Krakow Post.


Anna Spysz

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