Krakow News 9 May 2016: City bikes delayed / 4 million extra for WYD


City bikes delayed

We reported in April about the new city bike system and its delay. New reports however show that it will most likely be delayed even more. BikeU, the company that won the contract for the city bike system with their low price of 1 zl per bike for the city is now claiming it can not keep up the system for that price.

This has now resulted in a court battle between UBike and ZIKiT. [LoveKrakow]

4 million extra for WYD

Krakow has received over 4 million PLN from the government’s central budget for sanitation and toilet costs during World Youth Day. The city has estimated that after cutting costs the July event will cost the city about 51 million PLN in total, 28 million of which will be designated toward clearing, and street renovations. City officials claim they have been attempting to get support from the central budget for some time now and only now have been approved. [LoveKrakow]



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