Furious Fred: Civic Awareness
You’re probably used to seeing brown water around Krakow’s tram tracks when it rains. Maybe you’ve asked yourself why that
Read moreYou’re probably used to seeing brown water around Krakow’s tram tracks when it rains. Maybe you’ve asked yourself why that
Read moreOn the 25th of last month, together with the elections for the European Parliament, a referendum took place in Krakow
Read moreIf you install the Air Quality app on your phone or tablet, you can see day by day how bad
Read moreKrakow is missing a trick – many cities have laid out cultural ‘trails’ that visitors can follow to see the
Read moreAbout three years ago, my Polish lady and I decided to get married. We arranged all the necessary documents, or
Read moreI live in Poland – that’s my country of residence, but I’m not Polish. My driver’s license, issued in my home country, is expiring. According to EU regulations, I need a new one issued in Poland. I asked my consulate about the procedure and which documents I would need…
Read moreYou live in an average Krakow apartment. It’s 50 or 60 square metres. Two rooms, maybe three if you’re lucky. You have a family, a wife and two children in their teens. You are obliged to watch television all evening, with no chance of a relaxing nap. Every night, you fold out your bed…
Read moreYou see a lot of talking heads from the police on the TV these days, as if they are the popular representatives of a respected institution. I hear a lot of anecdotes and tales at parties and in pubs that suggest the opposite. The jokes may not be politically correct, but there is no smoke without fire…
Read moreSince Poland joined the European Union in 2004, Krakow’s Old Town has undergone some major changes. Good city planning has improved the infrastructure of the area, enabling and boosting tourism. Meanwhile, in Kazimierz, city planning is a mess. For many people, Kazimierz is situated…
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