Photo gallery: Huge pillow fight on Krakow’s main square

11146428_884702808234910_4092178671216660581_oSaturday at high noon—the traditional time for duels in westerns—close to a thousand people formed a flash mob on Krakow’s main market square for an all-out melee with feather-stuffed pillows.

Most of them were university-age, though some smallest warriors were just past crawling. Many wore pajamas, a few taking it to an extreme with fuzzy costumes of bunnies, giraffes, and tigers, hoping to win the contest that followed. Though the center of the fray was indeed embroiled in furious clobbers and counter-blows, the air thick with white feathers which drifted across the entire Rynek, it was all in good fun, and afterward the foes joined forces to make sure the area was tidied up.

The event was organized by the student culture organization All In UJ, who took the opportunity to collect donations for the KTOZ animal shelter and the Unicorn cancer support association in Krakow.

Check out the gallery of photos from the event by Agata Zu Jabłońska exclusively for the Krakow Post:

2 thoughts on “Photo gallery: Huge pillow fight on Krakow’s main square

  • April 11, 2015 at 9:46 pm

    sooooo fun.. i would like to join later

  • April 11, 2015 at 10:00 pm

    I am having a very hard time reading this article. How could a group of young, society-conscious, educated people use feather pillows in this event to raise money for Krakow’s animal rescue organization? They do know where the feathers come from, right? They do understand the sacrifice of the animals as the feathers are collected, don’t they? They do know the methods used to collect the feathers, don’t they? And how could KTOZ sanction this event is beyond my understanding.


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