Car Free Day in Krakow

The air in Krakow should be a little cleaner on September 22, as the city takes part in European Car Free Day.

The event aims to persuade people to walk, cycle or take public transport to work and school for the day. It has been organised as part of European Mobility Week, from September 16 to 22, which promotes cleaner, more sustainable forms of transport.

According to organisers of European Car Free Day, which in Krakow is to be promoted as ‘Miasto bez samochodów’, up to 40 per cent of carbon dioxide emissions from transport are the result of private cars. Then there are the financial and environmental costs involved in producing, using and disposing of batteries, oil, car parts and more.

But even small measures can make a big difference. According to Wiesław Starowicz, city advisor on urban management, simply sharing cars could be at least part of the answer to congestion and pollution in Krakow. Speaking at a press conference to promote car sharing and school/work ‘mobility plans’, Mr Starowicz said the average current car share rate at rush hour is 1.46 people per car. Increase that to two per car, and traffic on Krakow’s streets can be cut by 30 per cent, Mr Starowicz argued.

4 thoughts on “Car Free Day in Krakow

  • September 12, 2012 at 1:01 pm

    Car sparing is a good idea that most politians/civil servants in my experience fail to grasp. The easy way to encourage positive action is to give incentives via exclusive travel routes or tax incentives especially in rush hours. In reality most systems I have seen focus on the negatives and use a single traveller as an excuse to raise revenue via levies or taxes. Totally counter productive in my opinion. Better to use positive action to change attitudes especially given Krakows excellent tram and bus system. Mind you the costs of the trams and buses has been rising in recent years so that will not help the discussions.

  • September 12, 2012 at 1:35 pm

    The vast majority of Poles should have their driving privaledged revoked. It’s a daily anxiety navigating the roads so selfishly and uncaringly occupied by speeding, phone useing asshats!

    • September 15, 2012 at 1:52 am

      I gather English is not your first language?

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