Experiment Garden Opens in Nowa Huta

The Experiment Garden, located in the Park of Polish Aviators in Czyzyny, will provide new educational and recreational outlets for children. The team charged with creating the Experiment Garden hopes to make learning much easier for kids by displaying real examples of physical phenomena described at school.

Much of this was made possible through the use of equipment designed by scientists from Physics Faculty at Jagiellonian University. Children will be given the opportunity to move models themselves and see how theories evolve into reality. Currently, there are 35 fully functional devices in the park, but this number will see an increase to 60 by Autumn.

The venture was launched by the Partnership of Nowa Huta Initiatives – a group that connects local councils, entrepreneurs and other inhabitants of the district. Much of the budget of the Experiment Garden was secured by the EU’s European Social Fund. Projects on the horizon for the Partnership of Nowa Huta Initiatives includes the construction of new conference buildings, a cafeteria and a view tower. The whole project should be finished by the beginning of 2009 and cost about 6.3 mln zloty.

According to its organizers, the venture should create 50 new workplaces. Inspiration for the Experiment Garden came from a similar project that began in Nuremberg, Germany over a decade ago.

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