My Life: Michał Kołton
Krakow Post: If you could live anywhere in Krakow, where would it be, and why?
Michał Kołton: Here! There’s no better view in Krakow, and we really do live here, since we’re here every third day for 24 hours.
KP: If you were crowned king of Krakow, what would be your first move?
MK: Eliminate all traffic jams in Krakow. I think it’s the biggest bane of our city.
KP: What’s one place tourists can’t miss when in Krakow?
MK: Definitely the Wawel.
KP: Is there anything that’s overrated about Krakow?
MK: Probably that Krakow has become almost too nice, too pretty… it’s so well restored at this point that the antiquity is getting lost or hidden.
KP: If you had to erect a statue to any Cracovian, dead or alive, who would it be?
MK: There are so many monuments already, I probably don’t have much to add in that regard. The Pope already has one. There isn’t a deserving Cracovian I can think of who doesn’t already have one.
KP: What are some of your regular eating and drinking haunts in the city?
MK: Here! In the tower, since we cook and eat here, 24 hours at a time. Even for Christmas Eve dinner – we try to fry some fish and make a nice meal for the occasion. We eat here.
KP: What’s your biggest annoyance about living in Krakow?
MK: Good question. The Melexes (tourist golf carts), since they have nothing in common with Krakow and there are so many of them. I know we have to cater to tourists, but there’s just way too much of it nowadays. There may also be a lot of Horse carriages, but those are obviously tied to our culture and our history.
KP: Where do you go to escape for the weekend?
MK: I try to see as much of Poland as I can. I love the mountains to unwind… but travelling all over Poland, really. And then, maybe going abroad somewhere.
KP: What’s a secret tip for staving off the winter blues?
MK:Tea with honey. Dress warm, eat well. And since we have to freeze here in the tower,, we just try to enjoy the sights.
KP: Finally: pierogi or naleśniki?
MK: Probably pierogi… z mięsem.
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