My Life: Lindsay Davidson
Krakow isn’t exactly overflowing with bagpipers, but Lindsay Davidson more than makes up for the deficit. His pioneering forays into Bagpipeland have resulted in teaching methods that are now practised the world over. When he’s not weaving his Caledonian magic at gigs around the globe, Davidson is “Musician in Residence” for the British International School. His wife Irena, a professional harpist, is a bone fide Cracovian lass.
For those with a soft spot for all things Scottish, a little bird told us that Lindsay may well be appearing at a very special Burns Night this January. For more info on his piping adventures, see
Krakow Post: If you could live anywhere in Krakow, where would it be, and why?
Lindsay Davidson: Wawel, to be reminded of what is so special about Krakow and how it has been through so many years.
KP: If you were crowned king of Krakow, what would be your first move?
LD: Make Krakow the capital of Poland, or the EU.
KP: What’s one place tourists can’t miss when in Krakow?
LD: The Sukiennice – I always tell people this is the perfect size and scope for a gallery as it is a quick and interesting way to find out about so many important aspects of Polish history and culture.
KP: Is there anything that’s overrated about Krakow?
LD: ZIKiT – the road repairing people.
KP: If you had to erect a statue to any Cracovian, dead or alive, who would it be?
LD: The hejnał trumpeter who fell to a Tatar arrow yet saved the town and spawned a legend.
KP: What are some of your regular eating and drinking haunts in the city?
LD: I am not in the habit of going drinking so no drinking den, but for food I like to go to Da Pietro on the Rynek. The food is always good and the atmosphere very pleasant. It is always quiet enough to be able to speak to friends and enjoy their company.
KP: What’s your biggest annoyance about living in Krakow?
LD: ZIKiT – the road repairing people.
KP: Where do you go to escape for the weekend?
LD: Modlniczka, if I don’t have any concerts.
KP: What’s a secret tip for staving off the winter blues?
LD: Coming from Scotland, bad weather has no effect on me…
KP: Finally: pierogi or naleśniki?
LD: Pierogi z mięsem.