My Life: Jerzy Boźyk
This month we hook up with Jerzy Boźyk, veteran of the 60s jazz scene, staunch champion of hitch-hiking, ace translator of Slovak and former independence activist. An unmissable character around town, Mr. Boźyk was in fact born in Lwów, and he’s a natural heir to that city’s love of song. He’s a regular performer at Awaria Club, and he can also be seen whizzing around town on his trusty tricycle.
Krakow Post: If you could live anywhere in Krakow, where would it be?
JB: Wawel
KP: If you were crowned king of Krakow, what would be your first move?
JB: Adjusting the buildings and roads to the handicapped. For example, the height of the pavements is too high in relation to the roads.
KP: What’s one place tourists can’t miss when in Krakow?
JB: Wawel, of course. The Sukiennice, St. Mary’s Basilica and Piwnica Pod Baranami.
KP: Is there anything that’s overrated about Krakow?
JB: The shops.
KP: If you had to erect a statue to any Cracovian, dead or alive, who would it be?
JB: Stanisław Lem.
KP: What are some of your regular eating and drinking haunts in the city?
JB: Vis a Vis, Awaria ……oh, and Smily.
KP: What’s your biggest annoyance about living in Krakow?
JB: The bad roads, and the fact that the city is not adjusted to accommodate the handicapped.
KP: Where do you go to escape for the weekend?
JB: Most of my work is during the weekends – I have much more time during the week! But if I had some free time I would go to Slovakia.
KP: What’s the best place to enjoy the sun in Krakow?
JB: The Błonia Common and Park Bednarskiego.
KP: Finally: pierogi or nalesniki?
JB: Pierogi.