Perspectives on Poland: The Apology Game

I wish to take the opportunity to offer my sincere and heartfelt apologies to the people of Poland. I was misinformed/not thinking/drunk at the time and I promise it will never happen again. I have yet to do or say anything to offend Poland, but I feel I should get my apologies in now for when the inevitable happens. Apologising to Poland is the new “coming out” or tearful “drug hell” confession; you’re nobody until you’ve done it.

I’m not sure exactly when Poland started demanding apologies from all and sundry but it seems to have become a national obsession lately. I’m assuming there is a Ministry of Outrage somewhere, or at least a Department of Absolution to which they should be submitted, but I can find neither on the Polish government website so I cannot give you precise dates.

Wherever this vital organ of the state is it must be a substantial and well-staffed office. In the past year individuals, institutions and even entire nations have fallen under its baleful gaze. In September, Poland demanded an apology from Russia for invading in 1939, though it was not made clear if the supplication was expected from Putin, the resurrected ghost of Stalin or in the form of a giant “We’re sorry we annexed you” card signed by every individual Russian. Serves them right if the post office lost it and they had to do the whole thing over.

It is, of course, understandable why any nation might expect a few words of contrition for 50 years of oppression. Less obvious is how a nation can be up in arms over a misguided sentence from a foreign celebrity or newspaper. A couple of weeks back it was British comedian Stephen Fry who ended up in hot oil over a rambling and, frankly, absurd attempt to link Nazi atrocities with Poland’s Law and Justice party. Two months before that it was another Brit, motor-mouthed Jeremy Clarkson, who provoked outrage east of the Oder with a fake television commercial featuring Poles fleeing a German car. Before that a U.S. sitcom got in trouble for a joke at the expense of a Polish-American character. The list goes on.

The phrase “Polish embassy demands an apology” is now hotkeyed into every journalist’s keyboard. Are we looking at a neurotic overreaction to harmless slights here or a justified backlash to years of ignorance, contempt, and downright rudeness on the part of the supposedly civilized West? I’m inclined towards the latter. The Poles are a notoriously sensitive people, but perhaps not without good reason. It is too easy to perpetuate stereotypes with a thoughtless phrase or a lazy quip. Maybe having our wrists sharply and repeatedly slapped will teach us to take the issue a little more seriously. It will be interesting to see what happens, of course, when people start demanding apologies from Poland.

Jamie Stokes also writes for Polandian.

7 thoughts on “Perspectives on Poland: The Apology Game

  • September 23, 2012 at 4:30 pm

    The author thinks it’s ok to contine to offend Poland and its people. Sad.

    • October 12, 2012 at 5:32 pm

      The author does not think that, as you would know if you’d bothered to read to the end.

      • May 27, 2014 at 11:24 pm

        Please apologize immediately!

  • October 12, 2012 at 3:12 am

    Dear Strokes,
    If one says nothing, sits still and hope that it does go away eventually than one is DEAD wrong-holding still actually encourages bullies.I guess that You are American/British? Than of course,how could You know what it feels like? Your country is not CONSTANTLY linked with death camps and nazism.

  • March 11, 2013 at 6:44 pm

    It is good to have diverse dialog, the clear and the murky as well. No one is picking on Poland for requesting apologies for historical evils. Actually, the requests show strength and gentleness. History males invaded and slaughtered instead of using their voice to engage for the better. Poland is not doing evil, they are using their voices which stir thoughts in others. This is a good thing if you think about it. Also, it does not matter if the author of this article is not Polish origin. He is writing to engage readers and thinkers. If he does any bully dance (not the happy kind) on Poland, bet your zloty I will be one of the first to thump him on the forehead. And I am not Polish citizen but Polish nationality who elects to settle in Poland. Poland matches my moral compass. SueCitySue

  • April 9, 2013 at 7:50 pm

    Now replace the word ‘Polish’ with this one: ‘Jewish’ and Poland with Israel…. l sincerely hope you get my point….

    • May 27, 2014 at 11:23 pm

      Whoooa there… You you you aa aaarr aarrrre are rr raissing th the dddd-dark ghooossst of of Ppp Pollllish nn-nnationnalism.

  • December 11, 2018 at 3:01 pm

    Well Jamie, too bad i’m nine years too late, but let me apologize to you for the inevitable that is about to happen. Fuck you, prick. If you don’t get why we won’t tolerate this kind of slander, too bad, you don’t have to get it. Just apologize and begone.


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