What to do in Krakow: 19-23 April 2017

Śmieciobrazki: Junkctures (2015) by Martyna Borowiecka. She is one of many artists whose work will be featured in this week's Cracow Gallery Weekend KRAKERS 2017
Śmieciobrazki: Junkctures (2015) by Martyna Borowiecka. She is one of many artists whose work will be featured in this week’s Cracow Gallery Weekend KRAKERS 2017

April 19, 2017

WHERE: Stary Teatr (Main Stage), ul. Jagiellońska 1
WHEN: 7:15 PM

Shakespeare’s most notable play in five acts, The Tragedy of Hamlet, will be performed in the welcoming atmosphere of the Stary Teatr.

English subtitles
Tickets: 55 zł (regular), 35 zł (discount)

Movie screening: A Town Called Brzostek (2014)
WHERE: Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18

Presented at the Chicago’s 27th Polish Film Festival in America, this documentary narrates the story of Jonathan Webber, English professor and social anthropologist, who first came to Poland with the only intent of rebuilding a cemetery in the remote Polish town of Brzostek, where his grandfather was born. Webber’s decision to invite fellow Jews from Paris, London, New York, Isreal, and Sydney to visit Poland for an opening ceremony, will deeply affect his own and other people’s lives.

Anne Applebaum, Norman Davies, Tad Taube, and Michael Schudrich contributed their interviews to the movie.

In English, with Polish subtitles. Free admission.


April 21-23, 2017

A Piece of Plastic (Stück Plastik)
WHERE: Juliusz Słowacki Theatre (Main Stage), Plac Świętego Ducha 1
WHEN: 7 PM, (5 PM on April, 23)

The Polish premier of German Marius von Mayenburg’s latest play, A Piece of Plastic, an extravagant satire. Michael and Ulrike are the typical middle-class couple: he is a doctor and she is working for a successful conceptual artist. Overwhelmed by their work, the couple will be forced to hire the young Jessica for domestic help. Jessica soon becomes more than a simple cleaning lady: she looks after the couple’s son – whose puberty came far too early – and offers her wisdom to the couple/employers, who are trying to save their marriage. Both Michael and Ulrike present themselves as tolerant, progressive members of the society, but this is just a façade of political correctness built to cover their racism, classist prejudices, and sexism which will be exposed by their attitude towards Jessica.

with English subtitles.


April 21-23, 2017

Cracow Gallery Weekend KRAKERS 2017 – Directions Of Tension

As in the past six editions, the Cracow Gallery Weekend KRAKERS will promote contemporary art in Krakow opening dozens of exhibitions to the broad audience. The event will take place in several locations, giving to the participants the opportunity to discover renovated venues, little-known initiatives, artists, and their works. In addition to that, the participants will be able to take part in a series of workshops, tours, and meet-ups with the artists.


April 22, 2017

WHERE: Galicia Jewish Museum, ul. Dajwór 18
WHEN: 12 – 2 PM

As the name of the event may suggest, the main concept is to look, slowly, at five works of art. After that, the participants will meet at the café and bookshop of the museum to discuss their experience. This is only the beginning of an exciting project which includes, during the same day, the presentation of Ester Nisental Krinitz’s work, a guided tour through Kazimierz’s murals, and a workshop inspired by Jewish culture and art.

If you want to take part in this event, please send your reservation to zapisy@galiciajewishmuseum.org

In English. Free admission.

TEDxKazimierz: Inspiration
WHERE: Streaming online from Teatr Variété
WHEN: 10 AM – 10 PM

TEDxKazimierz unites speakers with “ideas worth sharing”, this time under the theme of “inspiration.” Now in its third year, TEDxKazimierz is bringing the spirit of the popular TED talks to the local Krakow community. Registration for attendance closed earlier this month, but you can still watch the live stream when it begins here.


April 23, 2017

Targi Vintage i Retro – Vintage and Retro Fair
WHERE: FORUM Przestrzenie, Marii Konopnickiej 28
WHEN: 11 AM – 6 PM

Clothes, design objects, vinyl, accessories, and books – the traditional The Second Life of Books starting at 3 PM – are not the only things you will find in the well-know Cracow Vintage and Retro Fair! The event will host workshops, lectures about the Nowa Huta’s PRL Museum, as well as a DJ set.

Free admission.

Massolit Presents: Robert Rybicki
WHERE: Massolit Books & Cafe, Ul. Felicjanek 4
WHEN: 6 PM – 8 PM

Robert Rybicki, an outstanding Polish poet, will introduce us to a series of Dada sound poems he wrote during his stay in Prague.

In English.

One thought on “What to do in Krakow: 19-23 April 2017

  • June 2, 2017 at 5:48 am

    I have never been to Cracow (at least not as a tourist). I would love to go there. Maybe someday.


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