Krakow News 18 August 2016: Name City Bikes / New Balice Flights / New Trams
Name Krakow’s Bikes
Until next Wednesday, locals will be able to take part in a survey on what to rename the city bike system. ZiKIT has made four options available incorporation with new service provider, BikeU.
The choices are the following:
- RMK – “Rower Miasta Krakowa” (Krakow City Bike)
- BICYKLIK – “wystarczy jeden KLIK i już możesz wsiadać na BICYKL KRAKOWSKI” (One click and you can get on a Krakow bicycle)
- KRAKOVELO – a play on words with Krakow and vélo, which in French means bike
- WAVELO – “przyjemny powiew wiatru podczas przejażdżki podwawelskim bulwarem” (We are one with the wind on the Wisła riverbank)
To vote for a new name click here (link in Polish). Voting closes August 25.
Balice: Two new destinations
Starting next year Ryanair will start operating a new line between Krakow to Venice and Pescara. These flights will take place twice a week starting the 27th and 29th of March, 2017. Currently, Ryanair offers 33 different connections from Krakow all over Europe.
New trams coming soon
Krakow’s public transport provider MPK has signed a deal for 50 new trams. In the deal MPK focuses on the sizes of the trams (32 to 35 meters), rather than on the price. An abridged version of the deal is only available now, though we do know that the first 35 trams will be available to MPK in the next 30 months. After that, the remaining 20 trams will be delivered in the following 24 months.