Krakow News 28 June 2016: CBA and Krakow Technology Park, WYD and your trash


CBA pays a visit to Krakow Technology Park

The Central Anticorruption Bureau has started an investigation concerning 12 different economic bureaus. In connection to this investigation they paid a visit to the Krakow Technology Park to obtain documents connected to these bureaus. Krakow’s Technology Park documents are necessary in the investigation due to their documentation of the finances and book keeping of training and ad sales for the group that is under investigation.

The 12 groups under investigation are the following: Wałbrzyskiej SSE „Invest Park” Sp. z o.o., Kostrzyńsko-Słubickiej SSE S.A., Legnickiej SSE S.A., SSE Małej Przedsiębiorczości S.A. w Kamiennej Górze, Krakowskim Parku Technologicznym sp. z o.o., SSE „Starachowice” S.A., Suwalskiej SSE S.A., Warmińsko Mazurskiej SSE w Olsztynie, Łódzkiej SSE S.A., Katowickiej SSE S.A., Pomorskiej Agencji Rozwoju Regionalnego S.A. w Słupsku; Pomorskiej SSE sp. z o.o. w Gdańsku. [LoveKrakow]

WYD and your trash

During World Youth day Krakow’s MPO, who are responsible for the city’s sanitation, will not be able to pick up trash as regularly scheduled. Instead the MPO will pick up trash at night. From July 18th till August 5th will not pick up ‘green’ (natural waste) trash. Residents can instead drop them off in person at the Centrum Ekologicznym Barycz on Krzemieniecki 40 Street. During World Youth Day MPO will activate a special 24 hour info line (12 646 23 61) to help anyone with concerns or doubts concerning the new times and which programs will still be active. [LoveKrakow]


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