Poland to accept 5,000 refugees: A summary of events

syrian refugee kidsPrime Minister Ewa Kopacz left Wednesday for an emergency European Union summit on the migration crisis after a controversial quota agreement in which Poland has agreed to take in 5,000 refugees in addition to the 2,000 it has already made allowances for. Here’s the story so far.

Syrian refugees strike in front of Budapest Keleti railway station. Refugee crisis. Budapest, Hungary, Central Europe, 3 September 2015.
Syrian refugees strike in front of Budapest Keleti railway station, 3 September 2015

On September 12th Krakow’s own Main Square was the site of various demonstrations on the current refugee crisis. Some were for asylum for a portion of the 120,000 Syrians, Iraqis, Afghanis, Eritreansm and others who have arrived on European shores; some were against. Over the span of four hours thousands of people gathered to voice their views, not only in Krakow but in many major cities across Europe. Protests in Gdansk shouted chants such as “We will do to you what Hitler did to the Jews” while pro-refugee demonstrations took on a friendlier tone with slogans like “No person is illegal”.

Ewa Kopacz has flown to Brussels for an emergency EU summit
Prime Minister Ewa Kopacz has flown to Brussels for an emergency EU summit

This brings into question where Poland stands on the situation.  Poland being the strongest of the central European leaders, its prime minister Ewa Kopacz has been trying to keep Poland separate from the rest of Europe in this case. While the Civic Platform from which Kopacz hails is officially for the refugees coming to Poland and her predecessor Donald Tusk is pleading for consensus in his role as President of the European Council, her cabinet has remained aloof on  the issue. With arguments of refugees being forced to leave Syria due to ‘religious prosecution’, Kopacz’s only communicated preference for the refugees has been that they be Christian.

But what chance does a refugee have of getting asylum in Poland? President-elect Andrzej Duda has publically stated that Poland is not capable of accepting any mandatory quotas as its resources are focused on the large amount of Ukrainian refugees. However, as of earlier this year, out of 1,284 applicants for refugee status none have been granted. The major point of contention with regards to the quotas is control over who can be granted asylum.

At the moment Poland has 11 refugee camps in which there are 1,549 people with 431 vacancies left. However, the Office for Foreigners can always sign additional agreements to make more spots available. While there are 431 spots left officially, the government can put together emergency camps. Such was the case last year following a wave of Ukrainian refugees, bringing the total number from 431 up to 30,000, in line with their predictions for such a crisis.

When a refugee does come to Poland, those who stay in the aforementioned camps receive an allowance of around 210 złoty a month, in addition to but not limited to free Polish lessons, health care, and dental care. Children also have the right to go to school in the camps. Refugees who chose to live outside the camps can get up to 750 złoty, but this number varies depending on whether or not they are independent or with their family. This whole scheme costs the Office for Foreigners 56 million złoty per year.

“TODAY IMMIGRANTS, TOMORROW TERRORISTS!” Anti-immigration protests like this one in Warsaw sprung up across Poland last week, matched on the other side by more welcoming messages

With Poland shifting ever more to the right—the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party is favored in the upcoming parliamentary elections—Poland is becoming increasingly persona non grata towards potential asylum seekers. Poland being one of “the merciless four” that the foreign pressed has dubbed it (amongst the likes of Hungary, Czech Republic, and Slovakia) the president of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has pleaded publically for a set amount of 11,946 migrants to land in Poland.

Rejecting any share at this point could have severe effects not only for Poland’s reputation among the member states of the EU but also for its access to funds from the body as others increasingly call for limiting funds directed toward countries reluctant to accept refugees. The biggest consequence for Poland may be the limiting of the Schengen Zone for those wanting to leave and work abroad, with Germany reinstating border checks with the Polish as of September 13th.

As a member of the EU, Poland must bite the bullet and take on some mandatory refugees; this much is clear. The question of when and how many will be a continuing struggle between Warsaw and Brussels. Moreover, it is an issue that is sure to greatly influence, and be influenced by, the October 25th parliamentary elections.

75 thoughts on “Poland to accept 5,000 refugees: A summary of events

  • September 24, 2015 at 2:27 pm

    5000 refugees for a nation of 40 millions of people ?…

    • September 24, 2015 at 3:54 pm

      Way to much for a catholic country. WAAAAY TO MUCH. *ironic*

    • September 24, 2015 at 5:46 pm

      Nobody wants them here.

        • September 25, 2015 at 3:02 am

          It’s not that we do not want to help refugees. We don’t want economic immigrants from this migration wave. Nobody can predict who they really are and what are their intentions. People are scared of muslims because they can see what kind of mess they’re making in other european countries.
          Also we simply can’t afford it.
          On the other hand, some time ago Estera Foundation had brought 60 Christian families from Syria and everyone liked that idea.

          • September 28, 2015 at 11:48 am

            Yep. Bring in Christians from Syria. They are truly in danger from the Muslim majority.

          • September 29, 2015 at 11:34 am

            Maybe all the Polish Economic migrants around the world should return to Poland. The Poles have taken more than their fair share out of Europe so far and are completely incapable of giving anything back. The EU should have never taken in developing eastern European countries. These people just don’t mix culturally with us western Europeans.

          • January 11, 2016 at 10:44 pm


            We are all entitled to our own opinion!

            My fiancee is Polish and so our my children, I was born in Britain as my parents.

            I love the way Polish people have brought strong working ethics and a sense of pride to Britain. They continue to work hard, against the odds!

            I believe the current state affairs,it’s scary and I do understand why people fear what is happening.

            Its a far cry from what you see around the UK from some settled foreigners, which have no respect for this country, it’s religious believes.

            Long live eastern Europeans!

            Just my opinion and I wish everyone to respect the nation they live in or move to.

          • October 20, 2015 at 9:02 pm

            About half of those Syrian families reportedly already left their new homes for Germany, sometimes a very next day after the arrival.

            @Trevor Dixon
            It’s not like Poland accepted in UE was one-way deal. Both UE and Poland gained from this, as it attested by every analysis I’ve read. I do not mean just 2 million of young Poles who have left our country and now they work and pay taxes in Germany, Uk and France (instead of staying here and building our wealth), but UE gained through increased trade, privileges during investment and so on.

            Anyway we are not against giving back. I am more than willing to share financial burden of helping refugees and helping refugee camps. However, those money would be better spent if they are spent on refugees in Middle East. I’ve read estimation that one refugee here deprives of help five refugees there. You have to be without heart to ignore this.

          • December 3, 2015 at 5:23 pm

            If I am reading what the Poles have to say to the migrant crisis i just can not believe it is true. Complaining about Economic Refugees ?????? WTF Poles are all over Europe, destroying economies with low budged offers, partly not even paying taxes as work is being carried out without papers.
            POLISH BUILDERS CHEAP CHEAP. It is sickening me that such a selfish Nation is taking all the advantages of the European Union and not giving a single penny back. GERMANY has 10000+ Refugees A DAY whether they are from war torn countries or not but is trying …… Not to support the Merkel WELCOME Politic. But who the fuck is the RASIST ? How could the European Union possibly have taking the dirty Poles in that they as Ecconomic Refugees turn Europe inside out. My advice Poles out of the EU and send them all home where they can support their great ecconomy they are all fleeing from. Just unbelieveable a country like Poland became part of the EU and now this. Maybe Stalin and the old German Guy who invaded long time ago, knew their reasons why they did it.

          • January 21, 2016 at 1:59 am

            It’s such a shame to hear this kind of rasist comments on Poles and accusing them of being selfish when they work their asses off for the benefits of other European economies (including British), but I guess for some it is hard to comprehend how economy actually works. Also congratulations on siding with the likes of Stalin and Hitler, seems an appropriate choice.

        • October 28, 2015 at 12:04 am

          The Poles are a peaceful nation. It wasn’t their idea to support Syrian rebels. And it is not their obligation to sort things out when the damage is done.

          • January 3, 2017 at 6:43 am

            yes i support you fully man. i am from india . and my dream is to visit once in my life to countries like poland, italy and other European countries but now these immegraints make rubbish these country. please elect government who not support refugee movement and deport them to their own country

    • September 24, 2015 at 5:55 pm

      It is so hard to read with understanding? 5000 is start, on top of 2000 and large number of Ukrainians already there. Winter is coming, where you will accommodate more? In tents at -15C?

      • October 9, 2015 at 9:36 pm


        • October 13, 2015 at 1:55 pm

          Marika, Poland has beautiful culture and a rich history. My problem lies with the attitude of the modern Polish person. They feel the whole world owes them something, because they were left to rot behind the Iron Curtain. Most of these people weren’t even born when Poland was a communist country.

          • October 19, 2015 at 10:28 pm

            Greg, I am 100% agree with you

          • October 19, 2015 at 10:36 pm

            Marika’s replay reeks of “world owns us” attitude

          • October 28, 2015 at 12:09 am

            Some people in the West likewise feel the world owes them something. For instance, Poland owes some help to Syrian refugees. And when Poles refues, guiltmongering begins. Let me tell this. If the US government hadn’t started supporting Syrian rebels, there wouldn’t be any refugee crisis. Those who are responsible for that crisis should take responsibility trying to ease their burden by sharing it. The best way is to avoid stirring any conflicts in the first place. The US needs to become a more peaceful nation.

    • October 19, 2015 at 5:20 am

      I don’t know personally any Poles with the ,,world owes you something attittude,, neither do I know any that are ,,incapable of paying anything back,, to their new countries. I do however know a few that being well paid proffessionals, actually support the poor of their adopted homeland from their hefty taxes. Willing to bet that Germany, which IMO is too often reminded of it’s WWll crimes, sees taking in a large number of those Syrian refugees as good PR and a way to reedem itself. Only time will tell if this was a good move. And I’m sorry, but that video of a Ukrainian woman at the Budapest train station surrounded by refugees, except they don’ t know she actually understand Arabic was eye-opening to me. What kind of mob thinks like that ? No I don’t think every refugee will be like that, but maybe those ,,merciless 4” just don’t want to take that chance. Somebody please explain to me why can’t other Arab countries pitch in more, and let Europe pay money to help resetlle those people.

    • October 19, 2015 at 5:56 am

      ,,Saudi Arabia not taking in any Syrian refugees despite..having 100K air-conditioned tens and 3 million refugees waiting….no Gulf countries signing pact to take them in…”’ to paraphrase/quote Mintpress News. Even their closer neighbors, more similar in culture and religion, don’t want them in. Why is that?

    • January 3, 2016 at 11:19 am

      Poland is 31 million only.

  • September 24, 2015 at 4:35 pm

    “President-elect Andrzej Duda has publically stated that Poland is not capable of accepting any mandatory quotas as its resources are focused on the large amount of Ukrainian refugees. However, as of earlier this year, out of 1,284 applicants for refugee status none have been granted.”

    This is sloppy writing. Most Ukrainians that have been coming to Poland to escape the situation in the Eastern part of their nation have been coming on work visas. According to the BBC there’s over 100,000 Ukrainians that have come across the border. Of course these numbers are not often acknowledged since those coming from Ukraine are people with a fairly compatible culture and religious background.

  • September 24, 2015 at 6:40 pm

    We already have refugees the Ukranians 30,000 are coming to Warsaw so WHY FUCKING UN DON CARRY ABOT A LITTLE BIT ABOUT THIS BEFORE SAY ANYTHING ABOUT US AND HUNGARY .

  • September 24, 2015 at 6:49 pm

    It is an unprecedented crisis and everyone has to do their part. Unfortunately the US is not taking in ENOUGH refugees. On the other hand, it’s sad to see so many bigoted folks unwilling to help those in need. Catholic nation? “Love thy neighbor” ring a bell?

    • September 24, 2015 at 7:06 pm

      You are confusing hospitality and common sense. It is not a crisis yet, big migrations happened before. That’s one of the reasons why countries have borders and armies to defend them. Poland is ready and would help any refugee. This people are not, they are economic migrants. And with such approach EU is going in to the darkness. There is 3 000 000 000 people living under 2$ per day, will you invite them all?

    • September 27, 2015 at 3:16 pm

      How do you know, in fact and figures, what the US is doing relative to immigrants in this crisis? A good writer posts facts not just subjective personal opinion.

    • October 27, 2015 at 11:56 pm

      Poland did not create that crisis and has no obligation to take in Syrian refugees. Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia and Qatar, who are near, refuse to accept thousands of Syrian refugees. Those who back Syrian rebels should take the responsibility and pay allowances to refugees and accommodate them.

  • September 24, 2015 at 6:55 pm

    What you going to do with People with Polish. nationality in Kazakhstan Ukraine or maybe Haiti
    You will send them to Syria ???

  • September 24, 2015 at 7:54 pm

    NO european country should take ANY MUSLIM! PERIOD! most are NOT fleeing war. there just wanting free shit! go back.to ur MUSLIM HOME! this is the SPREAD OF ISLAM ON WESTERN CULTURE! these muslims know EXACTLY WHAT THERE DOING! this is EXACTLY like wat the nazis did in the 1930s. only diffrence is its now ISLAM BEING SPREAD! were r the rights of the european people? the right to protect there countries from this islamic filth? the right to defend themselves from these pif fucking nazis? once u let ISLAM INTO A COUNTRY IT JUST SPREADS! AND SPREADS! AND SPREADS! until the europeans will meed “refugee” status in america. STOP ISLAM! and if a left wing liberal loon is gonna ask me if i hate islam?! the UN PC ANSWER IS FUCK YES!!!!!!!!

    • September 26, 2015 at 4:10 am

      You are an inbred retard to have ideological views like that. You obviously done so well at school too. You have zero grasp on foreign politics or even humanitarian situations. You call what you think rather than the truth which is so very evident. Stop spouting your nonsensical racist hatred towards anyone! Not just a religious group but just shut your opinion up and let the adults talk now.

      The Syrians have had their cities decimated by war between Assad, FSA, ISIS and about 3 other groups a

  • September 26, 2015 at 6:15 am

    Poland keep these people out. They will let in a few thousand then they’ll say let in a million, and in the end your country will resemble new York city or some other multiracial hellhole. Keep Poland white.

  • September 26, 2015 at 6:12 pm

    Fine we will take your quota of Syrians and send our intake of the polish home. It’s not about colour, its about ethics and morals. Your memories are very short. With this kind of attitude we would rather have the syrians.

    • October 20, 2015 at 9:05 pm

      Yeah! As a Polish, I would agree with the deal. Actually sent us back all of our emigrants. They will be much neede here in no time. Every Pole who left my country is a loss to our nation.

      • October 22, 2015 at 3:59 pm

        Will Poland be able to provide employment for all these returning migrants? And failing that, How do you think the Polish Welfare system would cope? These people would stay a week and they’d want to be back in the UK, France and Germany.

  • September 26, 2015 at 7:30 pm

    Ernest was smart ass enough to catholic quote “love thy neighbour” as a reason Poles should take in Syrians – problem with that small minded drippy hippy attitude is Syria & Africa is not Poland’s neighbour – we help our neighbors (look at Ukrainians)

    Poland is equal distance from shores of Greece as Germany, we don’t have an ant problem because we don’t have hand-out honey.

    Germans wanting to send un-wanted people to Poland, reminiscent of the 1940’s

  • September 26, 2015 at 7:36 pm

    islam must be eradicated from the earth! it is the biggest threat to the world. there is not one positive thing about that evil oppressive throwback religion.

  • September 27, 2015 at 3:25 am

    Most of you commentators are 100% correct. Most of these *migrants* are men 20 to 40. They just want to infiltrate the country & have you provide for them. They will send for their families when they get established. Sadly you have Left wing loons in charge at the EU who *think* they can create an *ideal* world
    on the backs of the working citizens of even tiny European countries like Sweden & Norway !
    Europe is the ethnic Homeland of many unique groups of people is you let yourselves be *overrun*
    your nationality will be lost forever. Plus who wants to see the end of blue eyes ? I don t.

  • September 27, 2015 at 4:27 am

    Poland please keep it white and christian :)

  • September 28, 2015 at 10:50 am

    Poland has every right as a sovereign nation to decide who comes through its borders. It should not feel obligated to take in any immigrants. Poland has not played any part in making this mess and it needs to think of its citizens first and foremost, after all no one in London, New York or Paris takes any particular interest in the welfare of the Polish popultation, do they? As an ex-Pole I believe Poland should take in Christian migrants only regardless of colour. The problem with Muslim immigration is that Muslims will generally not integrate well and will always place Mohammed above the interests of the country that has granted them sanctuary. Europe has a rich and beautiful culture, why spoil it by letting in people who will ultimately want to destroy that culture? After all the Middle East is a perfect example of how incompatible Islam is with a peaceful existence.

  • September 28, 2015 at 7:13 pm

    I have see so many hate and racist comment about Refugee and Islam.
    Poland governement accept 5000 refugee they will come to LAND of GOD AND EARTH and UNIVERSE BELONG TO HIM they will not come for sure to any of your HOUSE.some of you should read history and learn more about Islam before you offense 1,57billion muslim with rubbish comment.
    Refugee they need protection their country is in war maybe they stay few year in poland and later change country or comeback to their country
    Islam is religion of peace and tolerance .
    you making big deal about 5000 refugee and demonstrations in city all around poland just see what your neighbour country germany do they are ready to accept 800,000 thousand refugee.
    you forget maybe in world war two how many polish fled country for USA and UK and when poland joins europe how many worker go look for job and live in europe 2 million how you feel if British national make racist comment about polish people in UK.

    • October 19, 2015 at 8:01 am

      I know Muslims at one point had really well developed science, better than Europe, and built beautifull gardens and architecture, yes. But ,,hate and racist comments” are currently partially taught to Westerns by…yes, fellow Muslims. Thank the radicals and then the ,,regular Muslims” who repeatedly and yes, personally, show no desire to compromise, be polite or learn the social rules of conduct. Once bitten, twice shy!

    • January 21, 2016 at 2:21 am

      This is exactly what I hate about Muslims. One sided comments and and a well rehearsed ditty “Islam is the religion of peace”. All evidence to the contrary my friend! Why don’t you learn about Christianity if you want to live in Poland so much? I think asking for help does not look like a threat and since you have the attitude of “the world owes me” and playing the victim while being the villain I do not feel any pity at all. Love thy neighbour, of course, but not when the neighbour is a wolf in the skin of a ship.

  • September 29, 2015 at 3:03 am

    J just know that it is acceptable to hear the voice of others without an editor tweeking the voices. Diversity is a richness that is not appreciated by everyone but diversity of language is a richness.

    • September 29, 2015 at 10:44 am

      Uh…………ok, Sue, whatever you say.

      Looks like you need an editor too – what is “tweeking”, anyway?

  • September 29, 2015 at 11:42 am

    I love the ‘Poland for the Poles’ xenophobic racist attitude. It’s the height of hypocrisy considering how many Poles jumped ship and ran off to western European countries. These unwanted immigrants are fleecing the social welfare system in the UK and those that work are sending money back to Poland.

    P.S. No economic migrant would travel to Poland, because the Poles have nothing themselves.

    • September 30, 2015 at 2:12 am

      As an Australian who lived in wonderful POLAND FOR 2 years, we learnt something from the 50,000 plus who stormed our country by boat, from the largely the Middle East, throwing their passports overboard so they could not be identified. They will mostly be young men, are aggressive especially about their religion and make demands constantly. It cost us well over $11 billion for this lot of ” refugees” who turned out to be largely economic migrants and the cost is still ongoing.
      We also had a large Lebanese migration in the 1970’s who just colonise our suburbs and run our drug gangs and violence to our Police.
      We are now taking 12,000 largely Christian refugees who are actually terribly persecuted….there is a BIG difference between the Poles who are western in temperament and know ” liberalism” and Christian values and left to other ” like countries culturally “…our experience is that our Muslim groups master the ” victim” status and marry off their children etc and we have some very nasty terrorists in our Jails for some 18 years.
      So Poland watch out! We are much more circumspect in our country now……be careful!

    • October 19, 2015 at 5:24 am

      I don’t know personally any Poles with the ,,world owes you something attittude,, neither do I know any that are ,,incapable of paying anything back,, to their new countries. In fact the Poles I know are just the opposite, and the taxes from their skilled, very educated jobs provide some relief for the poor of their adopted homeland.

    • October 19, 2015 at 7:12 am

      Wow, I totally disagree with you .

    • October 19, 2015 at 7:17 am

      No social welfare should reward people who can work some, but won’t . Don’t understand how the working poor in between jobs can’t even get food stamps while looking for work, but a known drug addict who can actually work some but refuses get much food stamp support. This isn’t right, either!

  • October 1, 2015 at 9:05 am

    Send all the refugees to Poland
    As there is load of space there half of Poland is in the ukso it’s fair they support the refugees

    • October 19, 2015 at 5:34 am

      Have you seen, John, the video with the Ukrainian girl at the Budapest train station? She just happened to speak Arabic well but the mob did not know it. Those refugees tries to rip her luggage out of her hands,considered robbing fellow passangers and raping her as this would please Allah, for not wearing a burka. Are all of those refugess gonna be like that? NO. But you can see why people are weary. As for Germany, with it being too often reminded of the Holocaust, I am willing to bet that taking in thousands of refugees now is excellent for its public image.

  • October 1, 2015 at 9:19 am

    All refugees must go to Poland
    Because I can’t understand anybody walking down my road they all speak Polish so maybe Poland needs to feel the same

    • October 9, 2015 at 12:15 pm

      The true attitude of the Polish is actually well represented here. I worry they get away with more
      because they look western.

      I am concerned about their interpretation of the catholic religion.

      As a nation they frighten me a lot more than some of the other nations that frequently get a mention.

      I do not think they are particularly loyal or of good Character.

      I think we need to take a closer look at this society, how corrupt are they?

      Is it a majority that are narcissistic ? They seem non genuine to me.

      There is an overall bad feeling like they would be telling you one thing, whilst doing another.

      The catholic religion seems to have been used in a distorted manner to overturn communism.

      There has been some very good research done on the effects of post communism on the next generation. Lack of empathy for others.

      • October 19, 2015 at 5:45 am

        Empathy, what a good word. Just the opposite of what this Ukrainan chick experienced and heard while at the Budapest train station, surrouned by Syrian immigrants-she speaks Arabic but doesn’t let on. Video. See what they really think and say.

      • October 19, 2015 at 6:54 am

        M Gardiner,
        The Poles don’t lack empathy: they are weighing it’s consequence.

        • November 21, 2015 at 3:33 pm

          Even more upsetting. Weighing the consequence of empathy?

          • January 21, 2016 at 2:38 am

            It’s called reason you are lacking

        • November 21, 2015 at 3:43 pm

          I am still not understanding why the Catholics think their religion is better than Islam.

          So the UN endorses all these countries taking their fair share of refugees, then there’s yet another well timed terrorist attack and conveniently this becomes the reason poland try to get out of the deal again whilst trying to save face.

          • January 21, 2016 at 2:40 am

            There is no such thing as a “fair share”. We do not owe anything to the Muslim community and they pose a realistic threat to our society. Please educate yourself.

  • October 4, 2015 at 1:07 pm

    The only refugees will accept in Gdynia are Jewish brother’s and sisters from Israel. We don’t want Islam but accepts Jew. Love Jew!

  • October 4, 2015 at 1:19 pm

    Trevor Dixon September 29, 2015

    My man works in England and is sending money back. We accept with delight :p

    You complained about polish but not complained so many Muslims in england? make me thinking you are muslim or troll :pp

  • October 7, 2015 at 4:42 pm

    The refugee are arrived “faster than bullets” ;))

  • October 10, 2015 at 5:03 am

    MY grandfather came to the US from Poland. He insisted that his kids speak English to him, so he could learn the language. He was proud to become a US citizen and assimilate in his new country. He brought skills here that were in demand. His sons all served honorably in World War II, and his grandsons have served this country in the military as well, myself as a Senior Bomb Technician.
    What do you think the chances are that these new immigrants will joyfully assimilate into Polish society and culture?
    Good luck with that!
    They will take everything you give them, and complain that it is not enough. They will refuse to learn the language and assimilate. This has been demonstrated in dozens of places worldwide.

  • October 11, 2015 at 1:12 pm

    Gentlemen, these problem is not black or white: they are not going to “invade” us but, on the other hand, they don’t need that huge amount of help you guys are claiming for them. Islam isn’t the problem, we shouldn’t kill “every sigle muslim”, the problem are the people who change the religion and use it to harm other people, to controll other people. Those assholes who change the Koran, those who take advantage of iliterte people, and make them think that they should harm someone because the Koran “says” so, but it doesn’t. Those people are the problem, not the refugees. Its true that they need help, but not to that stage. We must bare in mind the economical possition of some countries before arguing, and think a bit before writing some comments. For me the solution isn’t just keeping the refugees, but ending the problem in Syria and sending them back home. I know it’s not easy, but, if you guys, instead of waste time fighting each other, use the time you waste on it, to try to find a solution to the war in Syria, we may have found a solution for it.

    • October 19, 2015 at 7:02 am

      People are worried, and that’s where I’m coming from too. I do wish there was an easy answer!

  • October 12, 2015 at 5:26 pm

    Gentlemen, these problem is not black or white: they are not going to “invade” us but, on the other hand, they don’t need that huge amount of help you guys are claiming for them. Islam isn’t the problem, we shouldn’t kill “every single muslim”, the problem are the people who change the religion and use it to harm other people, to control other people. Those assholes who change the Koran, those who take advantage of illiterate people, and make them think that they should harm someone because the Koran “says” so, but it doesn’t. Those people are the problem, not the refugees. It’s true that they need help, but not to that stage. We must bare in mind the economical position of some countries before arguing, and think a bit before writing some comments. For me the solution isn’t just keeping the refugees, but ending the problem in Syria and sending them back home. I know it’s not easy, but, if you guys, instead of waste time fighting each other, use the time you waste on it, to try to find a solution to the war in Syria, we may have found a solution for it.

  • October 23, 2015 at 4:47 pm

    The Islamic faith is meant to be on Earth just as Christianity is. Ewa Kopacz is making the preference of Christian Syrians over Muslim Syrians is for the sake of the refugees integration. Poland is a predominantly Catholic country. Therefore Muslim Syrians are most likely to be rejected by local Poles and are less likely to get a job and be productive in the Polish economy. A religious Polish person is most likely to accept and help a Syrian if they share a common religion. Help of the poor is a key act in the Catholic faith. So from an open Polish perspective “ok your Syrian… but you love God/Jesus and so do I and Jesus would help you so maybe I will.” Also stipulating that they are Christian vastly reduces the percentage of acceptable refugees.

  • November 4, 2015 at 2:02 pm

    The Poland man is strong man of world. Foreign man to know this before in Poland.

  • November 7, 2015 at 2:42 am

    For the sake of European culture and history, in the spring, send the refugees and migrants back to their country of orgin as they are the only human being on the face of the Earth who can solve the problems that they are running from. Certainly, all Europeans should realize that those folks have no desire, nor will they contribute to European culture. This crisis could have been prevented if NATO would have stopped the migration in the first place, at the border. Was NATO designed to protect Europe or not?

  • November 20, 2015 at 1:05 am

    I don’t want Muslim neighbors! Europe is going down!

  • December 20, 2015 at 6:05 am

    They should be allowed to stay for 90 days. Then, they should be sent back. Give them new shoes and snacks for their journey. It’s a very long walk.


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